

Camels are important animals in many parts of the world, prized in racing, milk production and much more.

We can provide breeders with a range of services that will help you make informed and efficient breeding decisions.

OTHER SPEcies we service

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Donkey copy

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Feline copy

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Our services:

Genetic Trait Testing

We identify genes that can assist you in making more informed decisions around mating and breeding, enhancing the health and welfare of your camels.

Genetic Trait Teasting - Camels

Parentage verification

Ensuring parentage is correct is critical to breeding planning and ensuring the integrity of animal identity. We can confirm parentage using our genomic testing technologies.

Parentage verification

Species Consultancy

Would you like expert     advice on how our DNA services can benefit you?

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Our passion and focus is the improvement of your animal’s health, welfare & production. We offer a range of multi-species professional and testing services.